Hearing Conservation Program

OSHA mandates hearing conservation programs for workers exposed to loud noise. GU’s Hearing Conservation program is designed to protect employees from noise-induced neurosensory hearing loss that can occur from exposure to excessive sound pressure levels. Noise-related hearing loss has been listed as one of the most prevalent occupational health concerns in the United States for more than 25 years. Thousands of workers every year suffer from preventable hearing loss due to high workplace noise levels.
Hearing conservation begins with measuring the noise in the workplace to discover which workers are exposed to noise and at what levels. If you suspect your work environment should be tested for noise level, please contact EH&S at 7-4712.
Workers in the hearing conservation program must be:
- educated about noise and hearing loss
- provided with annual hearing tests (audiograms) to measure hearing loss that may develop
- supplied with hearing protection devices (earplugs or earmuffs) to be worn in noisy environments