Laser Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
LPIs and the LSO may develop a Laser System Standard Operating Procedure for each Class 3R, Class 3B and Class 4 laser and laser system (including embedded lasers). Laser users require detailed knowledge about the potential hazards, control measures, and safe work practices for the applicable laser.
SOPs for each Class 3R, Class 3B and/or Class 4 laser or laser systems should include, but not be limited to:
- laser location and notification of use to individuals in the lab
- laser specific beam and non-beam hazards
- Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements
- laser access controls (door interlocks, warning signs, etc.)
- laser beam controls (key locks, enclosures, curtains, shutters, beam stops, etc.)
- high voltage controls
- laser operating procedure
- beam alignment procedures
- laser specific emergency procedures
- laser specific beam and non-beam hazards
SOP training is required for each laser operator and will be provided by the LPI or ALPI. The training will be documented on the Laser Standard Operating Procedure Training Record. All training will be commensurate with the highest potential for laser radiation exposure associated with each laser operation, and will be consistent with the results of the completed hazard evaluation performed by the LSO or DLSO.