Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP)

EH&S is committed to preventing bloodborne infections by eliminating or minimizing employee exposure to human blood, human blood products, and other potentially infectious materials (OPIM). Strict adherence to the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard (29 CFR 1910.1030) and GU’s Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Policy supports GU’s goal of ensuring a safe and healthful work environment.
BBP Training
Initial Lab Safety training is for all employees with a reasonably anticipated exposure to BBP’s. Initial training occurs at least monthly and is included as part of the general laboratory safety training curriculum.
OSHA requires annual refresher training for all workers with a potential exposure to human bloodborne pathogens. This training is completed online, via the EH&S Chem Bio Portal. Need initial BBP training? Contact EH&S to sign up for the upcoming Lab Safety Training, which includes BBP, and satisfies this regulatory training requirement.
Other training: GUPD, Facilities, Housekeeping and other BBP specific Annual Training, and PI Refresher Training.
Hepatitis B Virus Vaccination
OSHA requires that the HBV Vaccination be offered to any worker with a potential exposure to human bloodborne pathogens. If your lab utilizes materials covered under the OSHA BBP Standard, you must complete the HBV Acceptance/Declination Form. The form is also required for any other employee who has a reasonably anticipated risk of exposure to BBPs. A copy of the form must be provided to Occupational Health, and another must be maintained with department administration/supervisor.
Blood Spills
The following video outlines procedures to follow in the event of a blood spill, and is also covered during training. Need assistance with a blood spill? Contact EH&S at ext. 7-6640 or after hours contact GUPD at ext. 7-HELP (4357), or 7-4343.