Radiation and Laser Safety

Radiation Safety
The Georgetown University (GU) Radiation Safety Office Staff (RSOS) ensures the safe and secure use of radioactive materials (RAM) and radiation producing devices (RPD). By providing services and training, conducting inspections, and fostering open lines of communication with our researchers, the RSOS protects the health and safety of the campus community, general public and environment. The Radiation Safety program ensures all radiation exposures are kept ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) and that all RAM and RPD use is in compliance with applicable Federal and D.C. regulations.

Radioactive materials stock vials must be secured from unauthorized access.

The Radiation Safety Office Staff (RSOS) performs quarterly inspections of laboratories that use radioactive materials. In these inspections, researchers are assessed for compliance and their safe RAM use.
Radiation Safety Committee

Laser Safety
The Georgetown University (GU) Laser Safety (LS) program protects Laser Operators (LO) and the general public from the hazards associated with the use of lasers and laser systems. The American National Standard Institute (ANSI) Z136 series provides the guidance for LS program oversight. The LS staff ensures that the appropriate control measures are in place for both beam and non-beam hazards. The LS staff provides training for all LOs, which increases their laser safety awareness. When required, Laser Standard Operating Procedures are developed by the Laser Principal Investigator, and approved by the Laser Safety Officer.
Applicable Policies
Applicable Forms
- Authorized User Training Record
- Personnel Contamination Monitoring Form
- Radioactive Waste Transfer Form
- Radioactive Waste- Disposal To RSOS
- RSC-1, Authorized User Training and Experience
- RSC-6, Application To Use Ionizing Radiation In Research
- RSC-7, Application For In-Vitro Use Of Radioactive Materials
- RSC-9, Renewal Application for In-Vitro Use of Radioactive Materials
- RSC-11 Radioactive Material Use In Animal Research
- Laser Registration Form (Fillable PDF)
- Laser Standard Operating Procedure Training Record (PDF)
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